![]() Tea-ol-ogy Black, Pu-erh, Green, Oolong, and White teas are all made from the leaves of the Camellia sinesis plant. The extraordinary benefits of tea are from their high content of plant-derived antioxidants. Legend has it that the second Emperor of China, Shen Nung, the Divine Healer, had a magical property of a transparent stomach with which he could determine the effects of medicine on the body. He is credited with identifying the medicinal properties of hundreds of ingredients that became the foundation of Chinese Medicine. One afternoon Shen Nung was boiling water as he rested underneath a wild tea tree. A breeze stirred the branches and caused a few leaves to drift into his simmering cauldron. Intrigued by the aroma he drank the liquid and felt revitalized and invigorated. Thus tea was born. Black tea is picked early in the spring when the tree has a high ratio of bud to leaf. The leaves are then allowed to fully oxidize. Tea masters determine when the oxidation process is complete to provide the rich flavors and aromas. The different names of black tea such as Assam or Darjeeling refer to the region where it was grown. Regular consumption of black tea helps repair damaged coronary arteries and lowers bad cholesterol levels helping prevent several cardiovascular diseases. Theaflavins in black tea destroys abnormal cells in the body before they turn into breast cancer cells. Black tea is full of tannins and anti-inflammatory compounds that help heal and relax the digestive system. Black tea is beneficial for those with asthma, as it expands the air passage allowing people to breathe more easily. Pu-erh tea is a fermented black tea from the Yunnan province in China. Pu-erh tea can also be aged for several years to allow beneficial bacteria and fungi to break down the tea leaf transforming the compounds and enzymes in the tea. Like wine, pu-erh tea ranges in quality and vintage, being anywhere from 3 months to 100 years old. It is best to either drink a young or old tea, as the middle years of the tea are not as palatable. Used in many Chinese elixirs, the fermentation process creates compounds different from those in green or black tea. Fermentation causes it to lose catechin antioxidants but it gains so much more. Research shows that pu-erh tea has high amounts of gallic acid (a potent anti-microbial), the compound theabrownin, several polysaccharides and enzymes. Theabrownin is found exclusively in pu-erh tea and recent clinical studies show it has cholesterol and fat lowering properties. The high content of gallic acid helps to significantly break down visceral fat after just 12 weeks. The best time to drink pu-erh tea for weight loss, and to lower cholesterol, is one hour after meals as it helps your body quickly digest and eliminate fats. The fermentation process also increases the content of digestive enzymes in pu-erh tea supporting the rapid digestion of food and reduction of gas and bloating. The finishing methods of green tea result in an array of flavors and aromas, from toasty to sweet. Green tea has been shown to contain the most concentrated amount of polyphenols, making this tea excellent for fighting free radical damage and slowing the aging process. Green tea is the best food source of catechins, making it a more powerful antioxidant than vitamin C or E; thus lowering your risk for several types of cancer. Green tea has been shown to specifically reduce the risk of bladder cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, and inhibit breast cancer cells, lung and esophageal cancer cells. Drinking three cups of green or black tea can reduce your risk of a heart attack as they prevent atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol. Drinking green tea reduces the inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Green tea helps regulate glucose in the body making it extremely beneficial for those with Type 2 Diabetes. Green tea protects the liver from the damaging effects of toxic substances that are filtered through this vital organ every day. Green and black tea also help boost metabolism to support energy levels and weight loss. The catechins in green tea are said to have the highest fat burning effects on the body. Oolong teas are semi-oxidized, and are often thought as a bridge between green and black teas. Although it is not quite as high in polyphenols as green tea, it provides many unique and powerful health benefits for chronic conditions like heart disease, and inflammatory diseases. Some of the most positive benefits of oolong tea include promoting bone structure health, skin health, and dental health. Oolong tea prevents tooth decay and strengthens the structure of your bones. It has a high mineral content and is a good source of vitamin A, B, C, E and K. It is great at helping the body detoxify and remove harmful free radicals. Oolong tea is very effective at controlling how your body metabolizes fat. Activating enzymes, it enhances the function of the fat cells in your body, meaning you use more fat cells for energy reducing the amount of stored fat. If you have been diagnosed with eczema, drinking just three cups of oolong tea, three times a week, can quickly show a significant improvement in the appearance of skin. Oolong tea helps manage the damaging side effects stress has on your body and the aroma of Oolong tea has a relaxing effect on your mind and mood. Tea estates each have their own way of creating oolong tea, producing the widest selection of flavors and aromas, from a flowery to a citrusy finish. Oolong teas can be steeped numerous times, and each infusion will have its own distinctive taste and fragrance. White tea shoots are allowed to slowly wither and then are dried naturally to prevent oxidation, making it the least processed of all teas. White tea has all the same healthy antioxidant benefits of green and black tea. It is great for strengthening the immune system and fighting off harmful bacteria and viruses. Drinking white tea will help prevent you from getting common colds and flu’s during the winter season. The free radicals in white tea have the most significant effect on the skin. It protects the skin from aging due to sun exposure. It also helps to break down the toxins in your skin that cause acne. Yerba Mate is actually an herbal tisane or tea; however the Yerba Mate plant is high in caffeine. Yerba Mate teas will have the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. The components of yerba mate meet and then surpass those of green tea. It provides the body with energy and nutrition. It is high in vitamins, minerals, Carotene, Chlorophyll, Inositol, trace minerals, Pantothenic Acid and contains 15 amino acids. The Pantothenic Acid in Yerba Mate supports the Adrenal glands, enhancing hormone production and sustained energy. Yerba mate helps you use carbohydrates more effectively, enhancing physical endurance. Another benefit for those who exercise, Yerba Mate cuts down the amount of lactic acid produced during a workout, decreasing soreness and speeding up recovery time. While containing a high amount of caffeine, it is metabolized in the body slowly and provides focus throughout the day. Red Rooibos is a fermented tea that is actually a caffeine free herbal tisane. It is extremely high in antioxidants and the US Department of Agriculture has affirmed red rooibos tea is capable of reducing cancer, heart disease, premature aging, and other serious health conditions. Having no oxalic acid, it can be enjoyed by those who are prone to kidney. It is rich in essential minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and zinc. Rooibos is also reach in manganese which supports bone health. Manganese stimulates enzymes to build new bones and repair damage. Rooibos helps relieve infants of stomachaches and colic from its anti-spasmodic agents that ease severe stomach pain and cramps. The antioxidant aspalathin found in rooibos tea helps balances blood sugar, improve insulin resistance and protect the body from developing type II Diabetes. Preparing Tea The caffeine in each of these teas varies due to the size of the leaf, the location in which the tea bush is grown, and the time you steep the tea. The longer you steep a tea the more caffeine it will have. The smaller the tea leaf, the most caffeine it will have. The longer a tea is fermented, the more caffeine it has. Black teas are always fermented for the longest period of time, thus having the most caffeine content, approximately 20% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee. Oolong tea contains 10-15%, green tea contains 5%, and white tea contains 1% of the caffeine in a cup of coffee. With the exception of Yerba Mate tea, herbal teas or tisanes are caffeine free. Tea caffeine has the same effect on the body as any other caffeine, although at one point this was thought to be different. However, because tea contains polyphenols, the caffeine is absorbed at a slower rate in your body, and doesn’t hit you fast and hard. Tea caffeine will last for a longer amount of time in your body and you won’t experience the sudden drop in energy you get from other caffeine sources. Tea absorbs everything around it. It is recommended that you store it in an airtight container and place in a dry cool area away from light and other strong scented items like coffee or spices. Tea stored in the manner can remain fresh for about 6-9 months. Water Always use freshly drawn, cold water to prepare tea. Purified and spring water are best because they are relatively free from pollutants and other substances that can dramatically alter tea's taste. On the other hand, it is preferable for the water to have some natural minerals content, as they may enhance the tea's flavor. For this reason, distilled water should be avoided since the lack of minerals will leave the tea tasting flat. Similarly, one should never use pre-heated water-as from the faucet, for instance. This kind of water has mostly likely been overheated, thereby losing oxygen content while picking up possibly harmful substances from the water pipes. Traditionally, in Asia, water is always brought to gentle boil before one prepares tea. Boiling water eliminates many harmful germs and bacteria. Though water quality has improved vastly, boiling in the water in this fashion can help to bring out tea's flavor. The water should be heated until a steady stream of air bubbles gently rise to the surface. At this point, the water is sufficiently heated and also has preferable oxygen content. In contrast, using water that has been held at a fierce, rolling boil can leave tea tasting dull and flat. Temperature Temperature is critical in making good tea. The popular conception that boiling water can be used on any kind of tea is actually incorrect. In fact, each variety of tea, from green to black, needs to be prepared at a different range of temperature. Because of its more delicate processing, green tea often needs a cooler temperature to bring out the right flavor. Conversely, black tea, which has been fully oxidized, needs much hotter water to bring out its characteristic baked sweetness. Duration Of Infusion Similar to water temperature, different kinds of tea need to be brewed for different lengths of time. Generally, delicate teas such as green tea need to be brewed for shorter times, while heartier black teas and earthy, fermented pu-erh teas benefit from longer infusions. Of course, the duration of the infusion varies with culture and personal preference. Material Of Teapot While seemingly unimportant at first, the material of the teapot being used also affects the quality of the infusion. When considering a teapot, it is important to consider the variety of tea and the temperature at which it is prepared. Materials like iron or Chinese Yixing ware are excellent at retaining heat over long periods of time, while glass or porcelain are more likely to release that heat. Yixing is a country in Southern China where a certain type of clay exists which is not found anywhere else in the world. The clay has a unique mineral composition that makes it porous and able to hold heat exceptionally well. Therefore, iron and similarly heavy materials are better for teas that need to be prepared at high temperatures, such as black tea or pu-erh. A teapot made from iron would keep the water hot enough to extract the teas full flavor. Green and white teas, on the other hand, need a vessel that stays cooler, such as porcelain. General Guidelines The following instructions will allow you to make a good cup of any kind of tea. Also included are suggestions for amount of tea leaves, time of infusion, water temperature, and material of teapot for the general varieties of tea. Of course, there are more detailed instructions for any kind of tea.
![]() Winter Immune Health Bacteria and viruses are the major culprits of illness during the winter months, producing many common side effects like coughing, sneezing, fever, and vomiting. Bacteria are simple, single celled organisms that under the right conditions have the ability to reproduce and multiply at astonishing rates. Just one bacterium can divide itself into two separate parts in under 20 minutes, meaning within hours, millions of that bacterium is flourishing in your body. Viruses are consistently misunderstood, as they are not live organisms. A virus is a sliver of DNA in a protective coat, which attaches itself to cell walls and injects DNA or enzymes in the cell. The DNA uses the inherent cell technology to reproduce new virus particles so when the cell dies and splits open, the new virus particles are free and can infect other healthy cells. Bacterial and viral infections are both spread through contact with contaminated people, surfaces, food, water, animals or insects. Most bacteria are harmless to people, with less than 1% causing diseases. Viruses do cause disease and are often very specific about the cells they target. There are certain types of virus that attack cells in the liver, respiratory system, lymph and blood. The Immune System is an intricate, intelligent and hard working machine, dedicated to protecting your body from bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites. The immune system first uses your skin to create a barrier preventing bacteria and viruses from entering your body. Skin is usually impermeable as it secretes antibacterial substances. Tears, saliva and mucous contain enzymes that destroy bacterial cell walls. Mucous is able to trap germs and prevent them from invading your body further. Mast cells that are made to fight infections line the nasal passage, throat, lungs and skin. If a bacteria or virus is able to enter the body, the immune system will try to quickly detect, identify, and destroy it before it can invade cell walls and reproduce. Much of this work is done through the lymphatic system where cells and bloods are drained and filtered to remove bacteria. Antibodies, produced by the white blood cells, bind to virus particles or bacteria and prevent them from invading cell walls. The last way the immune system protects your body is by supporting detoxification of any virus or bacteria that have been able to reproduce. Leukocytes are white blood cells that move freely through the body capturing invaded and disease cells. Different types of leukocytes have specific immune boosting roles. Lymphocytes become T and B Cells found in the bloodstream, lymph tissue, and digestive system. B cells produce antibodies while T cells hunt down contaminated cells, bump up against them, killing them. Macrophages are critical to the immune system as they ingest foreign particles like bacteria and microbes. Immune Busters Junk Food & Sugar: Junk foods are full of chemicals, processed sugars, and polyunsaturated fats. When you are malnourished, your immune system does not have the tools or energy it needs to function. Toxins, chemicals, and invading organisms are able to store or hide themselves in polyunsaturated fats preventing them from detection and detoxification by the immune system. Sugar significantly inhibits the process of phagocytosis, the process by which immune cells engulf, kill and digest invading microbes. Just 75-100 mg of sugar (the amount in two cans of soda) starts to suppress immune health within just 30 minutes and can continue to for at least five hours after ingestion. Sedentary Lifestyle: People who are sedentary have a less efficient immune system and are far more likely to contract colds, flus and other illnesses. Walking just 30 minutes a day increases the amount of leukocytes in the body. The lymphatic system also relies on exercise to keep it moving, as it does not have a pump like the circulatory system. The lymphatic system is a major component of your immune system, as it transports lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. Stress: Stress significantly impacts the health of your immune system and its ability to fight off disease by elevating levels of the hormone cortisol. Chronic stress lowers the amount and function of T cells and macrophages, ultimately leaving you move vulnerable to disease and illness. Virus and bacteria thrive in a body wracked by stress, and spread and mutate more quickly throughout the body. Lack of Sleep: Your body heals and repairs itself as you sleep. Keeping your body from sleep contributes to an increase in cortisol levels. Those who are sleep deprived have lower levels of killer cells. Your digestive system is also disrupted by a lack of sleep. Since your immune system lives in your gut, it is important to keep your digestive system healthy and replenished with good, healthy probiotics. Isolation: People who are isolated or experience feelings of loneliness are more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections and illnesses. They also experience more reactivation of latent viruses in their systems and higher amounts of inflammation. Isolation has been shown to affect the immune system on a cellular level due to changes in DNA and gene expression. Incredible as our bodies are, laughter is truly the best remedy. Laughing provides a major boost to the immune system by increasing white blood cells, infection-fighting antibodies, and by lowering levels of cortisol. Inappropriate Antibiotic Use: Antibiotics do not fight viral infections like colds, flus, the majority of sore throats (only about 10% of sore throats end up being Strep Throat), bronchitis, and many sinus and ear infections. They do not cure infections. They do not keep you from getting sick. They will not help you or your children feel better. Only take antibiotics to fight bacterial infections. Take them right away and for the entire course as they were prescribed. Do not use them as a prevention tool. Do not save or share your antibiotics. Do not use soaps or lotions that are antibacterial. The antiviral drugs created to help prevent and stop the spread of flu (influenza A) are no longer effective. According to the CDC at least 2 million people become infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria each year and that number is growing. The World Health Organization states that antimicrobial resistance threatens the effective prevention and treatment of an ever-increasing range of infections caused by bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. WHO reports it is an increasingly serious threat to public health that requires action across all government sectors and society. This is why it more important than ever to protect you and your family from viral and bacterial infections by giving your body what is needs to naturally boost the immune system and stay well. Immune Boosters Vitamins & Minerals Vitamin A: This fat-soluble vitamin is critical for immune health as it reduces the rate of viral infections, enhances white blood cell function, helps fight against bacterial infections and carcinogens, and supports the immunes defenses of your skin and mucous membranes. B Vitamins: B6 helps to insure that white blood cells respond to bacterial and viral infections. B12 manages cell division and supports the growth of white blood cells. Folic acid supports the development and maintenance of the immune system. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is the master immune-boosting nutrient. Alone, it is anti-viral and anti-bacterial and is able to detox your body of toxins from bacteria. White blood cells rely heavily on vitamin C to fight infections and inflammation. Vitamin C helps immune cells mature. For strong immune support take 2-3 grams of Vitamin C per day. Vitamin D: Vitamin D activates the immune system and is essential for signaling T cells to take action. Increased levels of vitamin D will help protect your body from colds, flus, and upper respiratory tract infections. Vitamin D will also boost your mood during the winter months, helping you stay active, happy and healthy. Vitamin E: This vitamin is of particular importance to the elderly as most are deficient. Vitamin E reduces infections and helps the body heal more quickly. Vitamin E works even more efficiently when taken with selenium, a powerful antioxidant mineral. A deficiency in selenium permits viruses to mutate into more dangerous pathogens. Chromium: This mineral optimizes the ability of macrophages and white blood cells to respond to infections and invaders. It is also crucial to cytokine production. Chromium also helps to suppress your immune system when it becomes hypersensitive or over-responsive. Zinc: Zinc is essential for optimal T cell and natural killer cell function and is needed by the lymph system to properly rid the body of invading organisms. Zinc is directly involved in antibody production so you can fight infection. Taking more than 15-25 mg of zinc per day can inhibit the function of the immune system. Zinc lozenges reduce the duration and severity of the common cold. Herbs & Phytonutrients Mushrooms: One of the most studied foods for its health benefits, mushrooms are extremely beneficial to health, protecting your body from viruses, bacteria, pollution, chemicals, mold, and all toxins. They contain beta glucans, immunomodulator agents that activate and regulate the immune system making it more efficient. Mushrooms stimulate macrophages and lymphocytes, and are able to fight antibiotics resistant bacteria and viruses, and the aggressive viruses that cause upper respiratory infections. Mushrooms significantly alleviate symptoms of the common cold. Mushrooms have potent antiviral, anticancer, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory properties. Probiotics: About 60% of your immune system is located in your digestive system; so maintaining a healthy environment for your immune system to thrive is critical. The healthy bacteria or microbiota living in your gut are responsible for helping you absorb and utilize vitamins, minerals and other nutrients essential to immune health. They aid in the breakdown of toxins and keep bad bacteria at levels your body can fight off. Microbiota help create the mucous that lines your digestive tract that captures foreign invaders. They also aid in the production of antibodies. Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE): Societies from South America, Europe and Asia have traditionally used Grapefruit Seed Extract for its immensely powerful antiviral and antibacterial components. It is rich in disease fighting antioxidants and phytonutrients like hesperidin, a well-studied natural immune system booster. A recent study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine reported that GSE was effective at killing over 800 bacterial and viral strains, 100 strains of fungus, and a large number of single and multi-celled parasites. It is believed there is no other naturally occurring anti-microbial that compares. Research microbiologists from the University of Georgia found GSE was vastly effective as a non-toxic disinfectant and potent enough to use as pre-surgical soap. GSE promotes wound and scar tissue healing and topical skin infections. Elderberry: Used for centuries to treat respiratory illnesses, elderberry also reduces swelling of the mucous membranes and sinuses relieving congestion. Elderberry has been shown to reduce the severity and length of influenza. Elderberry acts as an antiviral by attaching itself to the tiny protein spikes on the surface of a virus, preventing it from being able to penetrate healthy cells. It has also been shown to be effective against antibiotic resistant viruses. Elderflower: Elderflower contains compelling antibacterial properties that have been shown to be the most effective way to combat pathogens like antibiotic resistant MRSA. It is also an antiviral, anticancer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Elderflower is excellent for treating colds, flus, sinus infections and respiratory troubles. Dried Elderflower can be made into a tea, however the leaves, twigs and roots are toxic. Monolauric Acid: It was originally discovered in human breast milk as researchers were looking for the antiviral properties that protect infants from infections. Viruses avoid detection from the immune system by hiding in body fat. Monolauric acid is able to burn the fat surrounding the virus away so your immune system can find and destroy them. It also has been shown to enhance all immune responses to fungus and viruses Olive Leaf: The active ingredient in olive leaf, oleuropein, eliminates viruses, fungi, bacteria, and parasites that cause disease. It helps to alleviate symptoms of the common cold, sore throats, chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia. People with respiratory tract infections who take Olive Leaf extract can help prevent infection spreading expect a rapid recovery and prevent the infection from Garlic: A potent antiobiotic containing 100 sulfuric compounds that are powerful enough to wipe out bacteria, parasites and infection. Garlic is excellent for reducing the time and severity of the common cold. Heating garlic destroys the sulfuric compounds that make it a potent immune booster so juice it! Aged garlic also lacks allicin, the most significant antiviral and healing component of garlic. Astragalus: Long used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this incredible antiviral strengthens and regulates the immune system to prevent upper respiratory infections and the common cold and flu. Astragalus encourages an increase in the production, activity and function of immune cells, often triggering them from a resting state. Astragalus supports the health of the lungs and lessens asthmatic symptoms and seasonal allergies. Astragalus is an adaptogen, helping to boost energy and protecting your body from the destructive side effects of stress. Oregano: This commanding herb has antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiparasitic properties. It effectively treats upper respiratory infections. Oregano easily fight salmonella, E. coli and other harmful organisms found in undercooked meat or contaminated water. It also kills organisms that cause skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis and can be used directly on the skin to speed healing. Echinacea: Taking Echinacea at the first signs of a cold or flu optimize its benefits to shorten the severity and duration of illness. It is commonly taken in Europe to prevent illness. Always take Echinacea containing both root and flowering parts as they work synergistically to support the immune system. Cats Claw: This rainforest plant gets its antiviral and immune boosting powers from its root. The roots contain medicinal compounds called pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POAs). POAs directly interact with white blood cells and support macrophages to work faster and engulf more bacteria and disease causing microbes. Cats Claw increases the production of interleukin, a chemical protein secreted by macrophages that stimulates dormant white blood cells into action. POAs also help increase the number of white blood cells that make antibodies, and the number of T cells including Killer T cells that destroy cancer cells. Osha Root: A powerful herb used traditionally by Native Americans and the Pueblo and Taos living in New Mexico to treat upper respiratory and sinus infections. Native Americans also have relied on Osha Root to increase endurance and energy. Osha Root has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties and helps to significantly reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes. Osha root encourages your body to sweat, helping reduce fevers and detoxing your body of the flus, coughs, colds and other viral infections before symptoms worsen. The tubular end of Osha root can be chewed on by themselves in small pieces or cut and added to honey to make a cough syrup. The upper parts of the root are used to make teas or tinctures. Simmer Osha root for at least 30 minutes when making a tea, but is optimal was simmered on a low heat for 5-6 hours. Yarrow: Scientific studies have shown yarrow to provide benefits to nearly every organ in the body. Yarrow is an excellent decongestant and expectorant. It helps your body to sweat out infections from flu, colds and fevers. Yerba Santa: This herb works incredibly well at opening the lungs and sinuses to dissolve and remove accumulated phlegm. Yerba Santa supports your body against coughs, colds, flus, pneumonia, and chest congestion. Breathing in the smoke or steam from Yerba Santa leaves is particularly beneficial to those with asthma. Baptisia: Baptisia is an antioxidant with powerful anti-inflammatory components that support the immune system by fighting infections in the mouth, gums and throat. Those with a weak immune system or are frequently ill experience major benefits from Baptisia, becoming better protected against colds, flus and respiratory illnesses. Goldenseal: This herb has built a reputation as an herbal antibiotic and immune system booster. It has been used by Native Americans to treat whooping cough, respiratory infections, fever, and pneumonia. Goldenseal also has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that soothe irritated mucous membranes around the eyes, ears, nose and throat. The alkaloid Berberine is found in Goldenseal and is effective against bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and Streptococci. Clinical studies have shown it to treat diarrhea caused by E.coli, giardia and salmonella. Foods Black & Green Tea: Rich in L-Theanine, these teas increase the antivirus properties of blood. Oats & Barley: A good source of beta glucans. Chicken Soup: Cooking chicken releases the amino acid cysteine, which helps to fight infection and inflammation in your bronchial tubes. Fish: Rich in selenium and Omega 3 fatty acids that help protect your lungs from colds and respiratory infections. Organic Grass Fed Beef: Contains ideal amounts of zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids. Orange Fruits & Vegetables: Any orange fruit or vegetable (sweet potatoes, pumpkins, squash, carrots, cantaloupe) contains high levels of Vitamin A. Citrus Fruits and Red Bell Peppers: Rich in Vitamin C. Fermented Foods: Sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha are a great way to get probiotics. Coconut Oil: Rich in lauric acid which converts to monolaurin in your body. The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil actually disrupt the lipid membranes of offending organisms, making them easier to be attacked or ingested by killer cells and macrophages. Chlorella: A freshwater algae that is super efficient at detoxifying the body and increasing oxygen in your blood so you can heal and recover more quickly. |
December 2016
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