Essential oils help connect the mind and body to support healing and prevent against illness and disease. The immune system responds best when exposed to complex and varied stimuli, and essential oils provide diverse and synergistic support. The aromatic properties of plants are their immune and defense system made of different components that create a powerful communication system. When you use essential oils you benefit from the immune supporting properties of amazing plants and herbs, which helps the body work more efficiently to promote health and wellness.
Candida, Yeast and Urinary Tract Infections Candida is the most common type of yeast infection and can be found in the mouth, intestinal tract, vagina, and may even affect the skin. Symptoms of candida include exhaustion, digestive issues, and cravings for sweets, brain fog, joint pain, and urinary tract infections. Candida actually aids in nutrient absorption and digestion, but when your natural pH is out of balance, this yeast overgrows and symptoms appear. A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates encourages candida to grow. Other causes of candida or yeast infections include broad-spectrum antibiotics, oral corticosteroids, diabetes, and a poor functioning immune system. Changing your diet is the first defense against candida or any yeast overgrowth. Eliminate any foods high in sugar or refined carbohydrates and alcohol that feed candida. Replace these items with organic vegetables high in fiber that will help satisfy your body’s cravings for sugar like sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, all forms of squash, zucchini, rutabaga, and pumpkin. However, the majority of the vegetables you eat should not be high in starch or sugar, and should be steamed. These vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, leafy greens, asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, eggplant, bell peppers, and okra. Traditional Chinese Medicine believes the foods you eat should be warm and nourishing, and any cold foods should be kept to a single serving, or once per day. Top your salads with coconut oil and apple cider vinegar. Coconut oil contains lauric acid and caprylic acid which can be used internally and topically to kill candida. Apple cider vinegar and other fermented vegetables contain live enzymes and probiotics to help balance out the beneficial bacteria and fungus in your digestive system. Acidic foods like lemon juice, unsweetened cranberry juice, kimchi, and sauerkraut all contribute to raising pH levels in the body, naturally balancing out your body. The only fruits you should eat when treating an overgrowth of yeast are berries because of their high fiber content, however these should be kept to a minimum. Switch any sweeteners to stevia, maple syrup or honey and use sparingly. Urinary tract infections (UTI) can occur in the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra, which are all a part of the urinary system. Women are at a greater risk than men for developing a UTI because of their anatomy, and they most commonly occur in the lower urinary tract or bladder. UTI’s are uncomfortable, painful, and can become a chronic issue if they are consistently treated with antibiotics. Common symptoms are pressure and swelling in the pelvis, frequent and painful urination, a constant urge to urinate, and you may see blood in the urine. If a UTI has spread to the kidneys you can experience back pain, fever, chills, nausea, and even vomiting. UTI’s are caused by bacteria that find their way to the gastrointestinal tract and some of the causes may surprise you. Sugar feeds bacteria that cause UTI’s, and high levels of sugar in your blood create an environment in the urine that is ideal for bacteria to thrive and multiply. Wiping back to front after going to the bathroom introduces bacteria to the urethra. If you have lots of sex you need to pee afterwards to help wash away bacteria that may have moved from the vagina to the urethra. If you hold your pee for too long bacteria are able to easily grow in the bladder. If you don’t drink enough water, bacteria are not flushed out and are able to attach themselves to the wall of the urinary tract. Prescription antihistamines actually make you pee less, make you more susceptible to building up bacteria. The dyes and chemical fragrances in toilet paper, sanitary napkins, and tampons can irritate the vagina and urethra, making these areas more susceptible to infection. Essential Oils for Candida, Yeast & Urinary Tract Infections Marjoram is an analgesic, and will help alleviate the pain and discomfort of urinary tract infections. With potent fungicidal, antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties, it effectively helps balance the body from yeast overgrowth and detoxes virus and bacteria that cause infections. It can replace tea tree as an antiseptic. Marjoram can be diffused, added to a hot bath, or used topically and can used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Thyme Linalol is gentle enough to use on the skin while still retaining strong antimicrobial benefits. It is effective against the bacteria that cause candida and yeast infections. Thyme linalool can be diffused in small amounts, use topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Myrrh has antimicrobial, antiviral and astringent properties. A whole body tonic, myrrh boosts the immune system to help balance good and bad bacteria. Myrrh can be diffused, used topically and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Rose Otto is an essential oil tonic for the female reproductive system. It is used in the treatment of candida, yeast and urinary tract infections and helps the body detox. Rose is calming to the nervous system, which can help alleviate pain associated with infections. Rose can be diffused, added to a hot bath, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Tea Tree is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial and is a tonic for boosting whole body health. It stimulates blood circulation and the immune system to fight infection. Tea Tree can be diffused, added to a hot bath, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Melissa has sedative properties that help alleviate pain and discomfort from candida, yeast and urinary tract infections. It is a whole body tonic, strengthening the immune system and providing antibacterial and antifungal properties. Because Melissa can be irritating to the skin, it must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use-1 drop Melissa per 100 drops of lavender oil. It can be diffused in small amounts, and used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Helichrysum is a potent anti-inflammatory that stops swelling and reduces pain. It has fungicidal properties that are very effective at treating candida and yeast overgrowth. Helichrysum can be diffused in small amounts, added to a hot bath, or used topically. Thyme thymol and Oregano are potent antimicrobials. They stimulate the immune system and possess strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Because they can be irritating to the skin, they must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use-1 drop Thyme thymol or Oregano per 100 drops of lavender oil. They can be diffused in small amounts and used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. They should be used for acute conditions only as they can become toxic to the liver. Irregular Periods, Painful Periods & PMS Irregular and/or painful periods are very common, and most are related to lifestyle and the health of your endocrine system. Intense body building or physical training, crash dieting or restricting calories, a diet low in protein or calcium, drinking high amounts of caffeine, and chronic stress all contribute to irregular periods. Essential Oils to Regulate Menstruation & Ease Symptoms of PMS Rose Otto is an emmenagogue, stimulating the secretion of hormones that bring on menstruation, especially for those with obstructed or irregular menses. It helps alleviate PMS symptoms of cramps, nausea, fatigue, and depression. Rose Otto can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Melissa has sedative and antispasmodic properties that help relieve painful cramping and calm the body. It will ward off feelings of sadness, boost mood, and increase feelings of joy and warmth. Melissa is an emmenagogue that treats both PMS and menopausal irregularities. Because Melissa can be irritating to the skin, it must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use-1 drop Melissa per 100 drops of lavender oil. It can be diffused in small amounts, and used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Roman Chamomile has a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body. It relieves cramps and spasms associated with painful periods. Roman Chamomile can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Clary Sage is an amazing essential oil tonic for the female reproductive system. It is an emmenagogue, a nervine and a sedative, helping to regulated periods, treat symptoms of PMS, and calm the body. It soothes digestive issues associated with PMS. Clary sage brings on feelings of euphoria and helps protect the body against physical, mental and emotional stress. Clary Sage can be diffused and used topically. Myrrh helps stimulate the function of the digestive system and the nervous system, helping to alleviate gas, bloating and fatigue associated with PMS. A whole body tonic, it helps reduce inflammation and stimulates blood circulation. Myrrh can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Marjoram has strong antispasmodic and analgesic properties, making it the go-to essential oil for painful periods and PMS symptoms. It is very good for relieving headaches and mental fatigue. Marjoram strengthens and tones the nervous system, helping to prevent anxiety, depression, dizziness and other nervous system disorders. It supports digestion and can help with bloating. It is also an emmenagogue helping to clear and regulate menses. Marjoram can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Lavender nourishes and restores the nervous system and adrenal glands and is a tonic for anxiety, migraines, headaches, depression and heavy emotional stress. It helps treat a variety of skin issues, particularly acne associated with PMS. It helps relieve back pain and cramping. It supports blood circulation and digestion. In French medicinal aromatherapy lavender oil is a common carrier oil for other essential oils and blends, particularly those that can be skin irritants. Lavender can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Peppermint is very helpful for digestion and treats a broad range of issues associated with the entire digestive tract. It can quickly reduce the pain from headaches and migraines. It is an antispasmodic and analgesic, relieving PMS related cramping and pain. It increases blood circulation and reduces mental fatigue. Peppermint can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Rosemary stimulates blood flow and supports the production of red blood cells to help regulate menstruation. It has some light diuretic properties to help reduce PMS water weight. It is an analgesic and helps relieve pain from headaches and migraines. It supports digestion to relieve bloating and constipation. It also supports skin health. Rosemary can be diffused in small amounts, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Anise is a relaxant and antispasmodic. It stimulates the production of hormones and gives the nervous system and brain a boost to improve metabolism, energy and alertness. It has sedative properties to treat anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and PMS related mood swings. Anise can be diffused in small amounts, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Basil and Fennel both have strong antispasmodic properties and are very effective at treating painful cramping from PMS. They can be diffused in small amounts, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. *An emmenagogue is an herb or essential oil that stimulates blood flow to the pelvic and uterus to stimulate menstruation. Other emmenagogue essential oils include juniper berry, angelica, ginger, jasmine, yarrow, frankincense and fennel. Heavy Periods, Endometriosis & Fibroids Heavy periods, endometriosis and uterine fibroids are often due to low levels of progesterone, high levels of estrogen, and mild to moderate hypothyroidism. Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue is not fully shed during menstruation and begins to build up in the uterus. It increases the risk of uterine fibroids and breast fibroids. Endometriosis and fibroids in the uterus or breast can be caused by other factors beyond hormone imbalances. X-rays and exposure to low doses of radiation increase the risk for fibroids, especially sensitive breast tissue. Drinking too much caffeine increases estrogen, which trigger the growth of fibroids. Consuming 500 mg of caffeine daily produces 70% more estrogen during the menstruation cycle. Consuming red meat also double the risk of developing uterine fibroids. Symptoms of uterine fibroids include excessive menstrual bleeding, abdominal pain, bladder infections, painful intercourse and infertility. Breast fibroids are more common and feel like moveable, rubbery nodules. For some women they can be fast growing or occur in clusters and be painful to the slightest touch. Reducing caffeine intake, eating a vegetarian diet high in raw, cruciferous vegetables, and increasing fiber all help to reduce circulating estrogen, body congestions, and the risk of developing fibroids. Essential Oils for Menorrhagia and Hormonal Imbalance Clary Sage helps balance hormones and reduces excess estrogen. It increases low testosterone levels to support libido. Research has shown that clary sage can reduce cortisol by 36% and improve TSH levels to support thyroid function and healthy adrenal glands. Clary Sage can be diffused and used topically. Vitex interacts directly with the pituitary gland helping to increase the production of progesterone, rid the body of excess estrogen and keep hormones balanced throughout menopause. German gynecologists regularly use vitex essential oil as a treatment for endometriosis. Vitex can be diffused, used topically in high dilutions with lavender as the carrier oil, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Thyme thymol encourages the production of hormones, helping to increase low progesterone. It also stimulates the liver for healthy hormone metabolism and balance. Because Thyme thymol can be irritating to the skin, it must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use-1 drop Thyme thymol per 100 drops of lavender oil. It can be diffused in small amounts and used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Thyme thymol should be used for acute conditions only as it can become toxic to the liver. Rose Geranium supports adrenal health and hormone balance by stimulating the glands of the endocrine system. It has an incredible ability to boost mood and mental functioning. Rose Geranium can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Rose Otto is a strong tonic for the entire female reproductive system. It helps to tone and purify the uterus, helping to delay menopause and treat menorrhagia, inter-period bleeding, and uterine fibroids. It encourages a balance of hormones, in particular progesterone and estrogen, and supports healthy liver function for optimal hormone metabolism. Rose Otto is uplifting and promotes a youthful appearance. Rose Otto can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Lavender nourishes and restores the nervous system and adrenal glands and is a tonic for anxiety, migraines, headaches, depression and heavy emotional stress. It encourages hormonal balance, and protects against high cortisol levels. Lavender can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Frankincense is a potent anti-inflammatory, and is effective at lowering cortisol levels and improving thyroid function. It prevents the early onset of menopause. It boosts the function of the immune system and lymphatic system, helping to prevent and treat breast fibroids. It is a tonic for the uterus and regulates the production of estrogen, helping to prevent and treat uterine fibroids and other cyst formations. Frankincense can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Lemon supports immune system function and increases the production of white blood cells to help support breast and uterine health. Lemon contains d-limonene, a powerful terpene with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect against cancer and support a healthy metabolism. It stimulates and supports the liver for healthy hormone metabolism. Lemon can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Infertility The struggle to get pregnant is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting and can be a long and frustrating process for many women. Regulating menstruation, improving hormone function and balance, cleansing and toning the uterus, and managing stress all contribute to increasing fertility. Essential Oils to Boost Fertility Vitex increases luteinizing hormone levels to support ovulation. It also assists in the production of milk after birth. Vitex can be diffused, used topically in high dilutions with lavender as the carrier oil, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Thyme thymol improves progesterone levels to help treat PCOS and infertility. Because Thyme thymol can be irritating to the skin, it must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use-1 drop Thyme thymol per 100 drops of lavender oil. It can be diffused in small amounts and used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Thyme thymol should be used for acute conditions only as it can become toxic to the liver. Clary Sage helps the body regulate hormones and balances the ratio of progesterone to estrogen. It improves male infertility by treating hormone imbalances and impotence. It is a nervine and can have a significant effect on mood and feelings of joy. Clary Sage can be diffused and used topically. Fennel used during the first part of the menstrual cycle normalizes menstruation and encourages normal hormone function. It has a strong estrogenic effect, helping to regulate and improve reproductive cycles. Fennel can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Myrrh contains phytoestrogens and works by cleaning obstructions in the womb and bringing on consistent, healthy menstruation. Myrrh can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Ylang Ylang invigorates the reproductive organs and encourages hormonal balance. It helps the body drive away feelings of depression, anxiety, and chronic stress. It is an aphrodisiac, helping to improve romance and your sexual life. Ylang Ylang can be diffused and used topically. Rose Geranium has a significant effect on balancing the endocrine system to increase hormone function. It works quickly to improve mood and create a positive outlook. Rose Geranium can be diffused, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Sage brings on regular menstruation by activating estrogen and balancing hormones. It provides relief for depression, mood swings and fatigue. Because sage can be irritating to the skin, it must be highly diluted in lavender essential oil for topical use. You should not diffuse sage. Anise helps stimulate the production of hormones to regulate menstruation and improve ovulation. It has sedative properties to treat anxiety, stress, depression, anger, and mood swings. Anise can be diffused in small amounts, used topically, and can be used therapeutically in medicinal honeys or tinctures. Medicinal Honeys & Tinctures The following recommendations apply only to Veriditas ECOCERT organic essential oils. We cannot vouch for the quality of other companies’ essential oils. Most essential oil brands on the American market should never be taken internally, as many contain pesticide residues and are not 100% pure, certified organic oils. With this in mind, the recommended amount for internal use depends on which essential oil you’re using and its quality. The best rule of thumb, however, is to START WITH ONE DROP. You can always add more to taste, or as needed. Each of the Veriditas oils below may be mixed with the following “carriers” for ingestion: 2 oz. water/juice, 1 tsp. honey, 1 sugar cube, or 1 tsp. olive oil. Safe Guidelines for Daily Drops
How to Make Your Own Oregano Oil What you need:
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